Hassan Ismail Fawaz

PhD in Computer Science

Senior Machine Learning Engineer @Beyond Limits

25 Avenue Carnot, 91300 Massy, France

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I am currently a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Beyond Limits working on cutting edge Generative AI: fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs), benchmarking vector databases and improving Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. Before that, I was a Machine Learning Researcher at Ericsson working on getting artificial intelligence to the latest advances in wireless telecommunication networks. Previously I spent some time at Besedo developing state-of-the-art machine learning solutions for automatic content moderation with the goal of making the internet a better and safer place. In September 2020, I obtained my PhD in Computer and Data Science at the IRIMAS of the Université Haute-Alsace. I worked on machine learning algorithms for time series classification with my brilliant supervisors: Germain Forestier, Jonathan Weber, Lhassane Idoumghar and Pierre-Alain Muller. I also hold an M.Sc. (2017) in Databases and Artificial Intelligence from the Université de Bourgogne - Dijon (France) and another M.Sc. (2017) in Software Engineering from the Université Antonine - Beirut (Lebanon). During my master thesis at Orange Labs - Sophia Antipolis (France) I developed a recommendation engine for a dataset exchange platform by combining machine learning and semantic web data. As for my final year engineering project TICKET Lab - Beirut (Lebanon) I worked on preserving data privacy using linear programming optimization techniques. During my PhD, I was the first instructor of the Deep Learning course at the engineering school ENSISA.

My research interests include Machine Learning, particularly Deep learning; Natural Language Processing; Computer Vision; Transformers techniques applied for content moderation problems.

CV (PDF) Publications (BibTex)


International Journals

International Conferences

International Workshops

National Conferences

National Workshops

Visiting researcher


  • Deep Learning 20 hours for M.Sc. students in Computer Science.
  • Web Programming 24 hours for engineering students in Computer Science.

